Answers to Common Training Qs (#2)
What should I do for training abs? Squat, deadlift, and press. Isolation ab exercises are largely a waste of valuable training time....
SHRUGS | Exercises You Probably Don't Need
This week's email is the first in a series of articles that will be titled Exercises You Probably Don't Need (EYPDN). Today I'm going...
Muscle Soreness / DOMS
Across the fitness industry, muscle soreness is often championed as an indication of a hard and effective workout. But is this analysis...
Do This: LP Training
What is LP? LP means that you simply add a little bit of weight to each exercise every session. This is where the idea of the...
Answers to Common Training Qs #1
I’ve been experiencing lower back pain, what should I do? Go to a qualified physio/physical therapist with a good reputation, and...